Saturday, January 27, 2007

New Years Weekend w/ Jamie & Amy

Jamie and Amy came to Bobo and Poppy's house to celebrate Christmas over the New Years weekend. It has become a tradition for us to celebrate a low-key Christmas together after the holiday chaos has past. Here is a picture of Meaghan and Isaac in front of my parents' Christmas tree:

Meaghan was so excited to see Amy. She really looks up to her.

Isaac loves to sit with his Poppy!

One of Isaac's first gifts from his grandparents was a tool set with an "electric" screwdriver. SO cool!

His favorite part of the tool set was the safety glasses! That's my little man, remembering that "Safety comes first".

Ummm.... its a shame that my parents don't spoil their first grandchild .... *choke & clearing of throat*...

Mom (Bobo) gave Jamie a box of vintage items from McDonalds ... because he is a vegan, he hates McDonalds, and that is my Mom's sense of humor. Jamie loved it!

Jamie, the Vegan Fry Guy! Hilarious!

His McDonald's employee badge:

Dad, Pop, and Poppy ... looking very festive:

Gorgeous Meaghan:

Isaac gets a high-tech Tickle-Me-Elmo:

We all had a great time together. So many loving and thoughtful gifts were exchanged. And in the evening, we all went to the Casino ... while Bobo stayed in with Isaac. Jamie won some big money, too. Then we all had a sleep-over. Here is a picture of Aunt Amy securing Isaac's new slippers before breakfast:

The End.